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[ 2024.06.17 ] June 17th is Iceland's Independence Day.

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月17日は、アイスランドの独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月17日は、アイスランドの独立記念日です。

1944年6月17日に、アイスランドはデンマークから独立し、アイスランド共和国として完全な独立国となりました。 この日を記念して、アイスランド国内では様々なイベントが開催されます。独立記念日当日は祝日となり、翌日の月曜日も休日となります。 国民はこの機会にヨン・シグルズソンを中心とした独立運動を祝福し、アイスランドの自由と主権を称えます。


Pitten TRAVEL:アイスランドを動画で旅する

June 17th is Iceland's Independence Day, and it is also the birthday of Jon Sigurdsson, who led the movement to gain autonomy under Danish rule.

On June 17th, 1944, Iceland gained independence from Denmark and became a fully independent country as the Republic of Iceland. To commemorate this day, various events are held in Iceland. Independence Day itself is a national holiday, and the following Monday is also a holiday. The people take this opportunity to celebrate the independence movement led by Jon Sigurdsson and to praise Iceland's freedom and sovereignty.

What kind of country is Iceland?
Iceland is an island nation in Northern Europe, whose main territory is the island of Iceland. It has many volcanoes and utilizes abundant geothermal energy for power generation and other purposes. There are also numerous glaciers and waterfalls on the island, and the spectacular nature is a major tourist attraction.

Pitten TRAVEL: Travel around Iceland with videos