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[ 2024.06.20 ] June 21st is World Giraffe Day.

【Pitten ZOO】6月21日は夏至なので、世界キリンの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】6月21日は夏至なので、世界キリンの日です。
世界キリンの日(World Giraffe Day)は、毎年夏至の日にあたる6月21日に制定された記念日です。この日は、世界で最も首が長い動物であるキリンに注目し、その保護と認知を促進するために設けられました。2014年にイギリスのキリン保全財団(Giraffe Conservation Foundation, GCF)によって制定されました。

Pitten ZOO:キリンを動画で見る



Giraffe Conservation Foundation
World Giraffe Day is a commemorative day established every year on June 21, which is the summer solstice. This day was established to focus on giraffes, the animals with the longest necks in the world, and to promote their conservation and awareness. It was established in 2014 by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) in the UK.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of giraffes

World Giraffe Day aims to raise awareness of the extinction threat facing giraffes. Giraffe populations have declined significantly over the past few decades, from an estimated 155,000 in the 1980s to fewer than 100,000 today. In 2016, they were classified as "vulnerable" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

On World Giraffe Day, zoos and conservation organizations around the world hold giraffe-related events to share information about the current status of giraffes and conservation efforts.

Giraffe Conservation Foundation