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[ 2024.06.24 ] June 24th is the Constitutional Revolution Day of the Kingdom of Thailand.

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月24日は、タイ王国の立憲革命記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月24日は、タイ王国の立憲革命記念日です。

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Thailand's Constitutional Revolution Day is celebrated on June 24th every year. This day commemorates the abolition of the absolute monarchy in Thailand (then Siam) in 1932, and the introduction of a constitutional monarchy.

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Constitutional Revolution Day is recognized as a day that symbolizes Thailand's modernization and development of its political system. For many Thais, this day is an opportunity to reflect on the country's history and remember the events that formed the basis of its current political system.

There are several places in Bangkok's Old City that commemorate this historical event. For example, the square with the Ananta Samakhom Palace and the equestrian statue of King Chulalongkorn the Great is deeply connected to the history of the Constitutional Revolution.