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[ 2024.06.24 ] June 25th is Croatia's Independence Day.

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月25日は、クロアチアの独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月25日は、クロアチアの独立記念日です。







From 2002 to 2018, October 8th was celebrated as "Independence Day", but on November 14th, 2019, the Croatian Parliament changed "Independence Day" to June 25th by a new law, and October 8th became "Croatian Parliament Day", and May 30th became "National Day".

What kind of country is it?
Croatia is a republic located on the Balkan Peninsula in southern Europe, and its capital is Zagreb. It borders Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, and faces the Adriatic Sea to the south.

Watch a video about Croatia

Croatia's Independence Day has undergone complex changes that reflect the country's historical background.

On May 19, 1991, Croatia held a referendum on independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with 93% of voters supporting independence. In response to this result, the Croatian parliament officially declared independence on June 25, 1991. On the same day, neighboring Slovenia also declared independence.

However, conflicts with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia continued even after the declaration of independence, and on October 8, 1991, Croatia decided to completely sever ties with the Federal Republic.

Changes in Independence Day
The date of Independence Day has changed several times due to political reasons.

・1991-2001: May 30 (National Day)
・2002-2019: October 8
・2020 and after: June 25

Currently, Independence Day on June 25 is considered a "commemorative day" and is treated as a weekday. On the other hand, May 30th is a national holiday known as "National Day."