December 4th is International Cheetah Day every year. This day is the birthday of Khayam, a cheetah raised by Dr. Laurie Marker. Khayam was taken to Africa as part of a research project to reintroduce cheetahs into the wild, and through the efforts of the doctor, he learned how to hunt. Through this research, the doctor learned that farmers in Namibia were exterminating cheetahs as pests, and began conservation efforts. In honor of Khayam, this day is considered a symbol of conservation efforts.
What kind of animal is it?
It is the speed record holder in the animal kingdom. Its maximum speed is about 110 kilometers per hour, but it can only run about 500 meters at most. It has a small head and a slim body that is well suited to running. Its claws do not retract like other cats, and it is not very good at climbing trees. Its cubs are black-gray in color and have a mane similar to that of a hyena.
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Cheetah Conservation Fund
The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to cheetah conservation and research. Founded in 1990 by conservation biologist Dr. Laurie Marker, it is headquartered in Namibia.
CCF's activities are based on three pillars: research, education, and conservation.
1. Research: We conduct comprehensive research into cheetah health, breeding, genetics, behavior, and ecology.
2. Education: We raise awareness among the public, students, and farmers about the importance of cheetahs and how to coexist with them.
3. Conservation: We work to reduce conflict between humans and cheetahs. For example, our breeding program of Anatolian shepherds to protect livestock has reduced predation by more than 80%.
CCF's efforts range from protecting cheetah habitat, maintaining genetic diversity, and promoting coexistence with humans, making it a model for cheetah conservation efforts around the world.
Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF):