
[ 2024.12.02 ] 【Pitten ZOO】12月4日は「国際チーターの日」です。

【Pitten ZOO】12月4日は「国際チーターの日」です。


Pitten ZOOチーターを動画でみる

Cheetah Conservation Fund(CCF)は、チーターの保護と研究に特化した国際的に認められた組織です。1990年に保全生物学者のローリー・マーカー博士によって設立され、ナミビアに本部があります。





December 4th is International Cheetah Day

December 4th is International Cheetah Day every year. This day is the birthday of Khayam, a cheetah raised by Dr. Laurie Marker. Khayam was taken to Africa as part of a research project to reintroduce cheetahs into the wild, and through the efforts of the doctor, he learned how to hunt. Through this research, the doctor learned that farmers in Namibia were exterminating cheetahs as pests, and began conservation efforts. In honor of Khayam, this day is considered a symbol of conservation efforts.

What kind of animal is it?
It is the speed record holder in the animal kingdom. Its maximum speed is about 110 kilometers per hour, but it can only run about 500 meters at most. It has a small head and a slim body that is well suited to running. Its claws do not retract like other cats, and it is not very good at climbing trees. Its cubs are black-gray in color and have a mane similar to that of a hyena.

Pitten ZOO: Watch cheetah videos

Cheetah Conservation Fund
The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is an internationally recognized organization dedicated to cheetah conservation and research. Founded in 1990 by conservation biologist Dr. Laurie Marker, it is headquartered in Namibia.

CCF's activities are based on three pillars: research, education, and conservation.

1. Research: We conduct comprehensive research into cheetah health, breeding, genetics, behavior, and ecology.

2. Education: We raise awareness among the public, students, and farmers about the importance of cheetahs and how to coexist with them.

3. Conservation: We work to reduce conflict between humans and cheetahs. For example, our breeding program of Anatolian shepherds to protect livestock has reduced predation by more than 80%.

CCF's efforts range from protecting cheetah habitat, maintaining genetic diversity, and promoting coexistence with humans, making it a model for cheetah conservation efforts around the world.

Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF): https://cheetah.org/

[ 2024.11.13 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】11月18日は、モロッコの独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】11月18日は、モロッコの独立記念日です。



Pitten TRAVELモロッコを動画でみる




November 18th is Morocco's Independence Day

Morocco's Independence Day is November 18th. On this day in 1956, Morocco gained independence from France and Spain.

November 18th is celebrated as a day to commemorate complete independence from France and Spain, and various events are held. A ceremony by the King is held in the capital, Rabat. In addition, parades and concerts are held all over the country, and the people are in a celebratory mood.

What kind of country is it?
Morocco is a constitutional monarchy located in the northwest of North Africa. The climate is Mediterranean and steppe, and it is dry throughout Morocco. The climate changes due to the Atlas Mountains, and the south side of the mountains has a desert climate. It is also an area with many earthquakes.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch a video of Morocco

[ About Bastille Day ]
Morocco's Independence Day is November 18th, but Bastille Day on August 20th is also an important holiday deeply connected to Morocco's independence.

On August 20th, 1953, a protest movement broke out against French colonial rule. This protest movement later led to Moroccan independence.

[ 2024.10.21 ] 【Pitten ZOO】10月の最終金曜日は、世界キツネザルの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】10月の最終金曜日は、世界キツネザルの日です。

この記念日は2014年、マダガスカルの首都アンタナナリボでJonah Ratsimmbazafyによって始められました。その後、動物園や保護団体によって広まり、世界的に認知されています。



Pitten ZOO:キツネザルを動画でみる


The last Friday of October is World Lemur Day.

World Lemur Day is an event held annually on the last Friday of October, and in 2024 it is scheduled for October 25th. The day aims to raise awareness about the need to protect lemurs, which mainly live in Madagascar.

The commemorative day was started in 2014 by Jonah Ratsimmbazafy in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. It has since been spread by zoos and conservation organizations and is now recognized worldwide.

As of 2024, many species of lemurs are in danger of extinction, which is said to be due to habitat loss, climate change, hunting, etc. Lemurs play an important role in the ecosystem of Madagascar, contributing to pollination and seed dispersal.

What kind of animal?
Lemurs have long, bushy tails and soft, woolly fur of various colors. Their hind legs are slightly longer than their front legs. Most species are highly agile and can jump several meters between trees. They have an excellent sense of smell and binocular vision, and most species are agile. They are herbivorous, eating fruits, leaves, and sometimes insects.

Pitten ZOO:Watch a video of lemurs

[ 2024.10.16 ] 【Pitten ZOO】2024年10月19日は、「国際ナマケモノの日」です。

【Pitten ZOO】2024年10月19日は、「国際ナマケモノの日」です。


Pitten ZOO:ナマケモノを動画でみる







October 19, 2024 is International Sloth Day.

AIUNAU, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and research of sloths, hosted the first International Sloth Congress in November 2010. At this congress, the third Saturday of October was established as "International Sloth Day."

What kind of animal?
Sloths are slow-moving animals that spend most of their time hanging from tree branches, with a diet primarily consisting of leaves and new shoots. To camouflage themselves, they hide their heads between their front legs, protecting themselves from predators. They are excellent swimmers and can survive on small amounts of food.

Pitten ZOO:
Watch a sloth video

Special Ways to Celebrate International Sloth Day
International Sloth Day is, of course, a day to focus on the conservation, research, and habitat preservation of wild sloths. It's important to raise awareness and support these efforts to protect the future of sloths. However, there’s another special way to celebrate International Sloth Day: by embracing the sloth's slow lifestyle and spending the day practicing a "slow life."

Take a break from your busy routine, reflect on yourself, and relax both mind and body. Why not take time to enjoy reading, listening to music, or slowly indulging in activities you rarely get to do?

On this day, taking a temporary pause from the usual hectic pace of life and giving yourself time to rest can also be an opportunity to rediscover the joy of living in tune with nature, much like a sloth.

What is AIUNAU?
AIUNAU is a nonprofit organization based in Colombia, South America, and it plays a key role in raising international awareness about sloth conservation. The establishment of "International Sloth Day" by this organization has sparked global interest in the protection and study of sloths.
Through their efforts to protect sloths, AIUNAU also helps draw attention to broader environmental issues, such as the importance of biodiversity and tropical rainforest conservation.


[ 2024.09.25 ] 【Pitten ZOO】2024年9月27日は、「Save the Koala Day」です。

【Pitten ZOO】2024年9月27日は、「Save the Koala Day」です。
Save the Koara day(コアラを救う日)は毎年9月の最終金曜日とされ、2024年は9月27日に当たります。この日は、オーストラリア固有の種であるコアラが直面している課題について啓発するために設けられました。


Pitten ZOOコアラを動画でみる




September 27th, 2024 is "Save the Koala Day."

Save the Koara day is celebrated every year on the last Friday of September, and in 2024 it will fall on September 27th. The day was created to raise awareness of the challenges facing the koala, an endemic species of Australia.

What kind of animal is it?
Koalas live mostly in trees and are primarily nocturnal. They are gentle creatures, walking slowly on land from tree to tree. Their main diet is eucalyptus leaves.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of a koala

In 1986, the Australian Koala Foundation (originally the Association) was founded by veterinary scientists. The first Save the Koala day was celebrated on September 26th 2008 at Dreamworld in Queensland. Since then it has grown into an important event highlighting the plight of koalas and the importance of protecting their natural habitat.

AKF : https://www.savethekoala.com/

[ 2024.09.22 ] 【Pitten ZOO】9月22日は、「世界サイの日」です。

【Pitten ZOO】9月22日は、「世界サイの日」です。


Pitten ZOOサイを動画でみる

・2010年:WWF南アフリカが、残存するサイを救うためにWorld Rhino Dayを発表。
2011年:Lisa Jane Campbell(ジンバブエのChishakwe Ranch)が、Rhishja Cota-Larsonにメールを送り、5種全てのサイを祝う日にしたいと提案。
2011年以降:Lisa JaneとRhishjaの2人の女性の尽力により、World Rhino Dayは国際的な成功を収め、世界的な現象となった。


September 22nd is "World Rhino Day"

World Rhino Day is an international anniversary celebrated every year on September 22nd. The day was established to raise awareness of the five species of rhinos (black rhino, white rhino, Indian rhino, Sumatran rhino, and Javan rhino). The main purpose is to educate the public about the threats facing rhinos (mainly poaching and habitat loss) and encourage support for conservation efforts.

What kind of animal is it?
Rhinos have thick skin, said to be the toughest of all animals, which makes it difficult for carnivores' claws and fangs to penetrate. They are herbivorous and eat at dawn and dusk, rest in the shade during the day, and drink water from watering holes. They regulate their body temperature by bathing in water and mud. Mud bathing is also thought to have an insect repellent effect.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of rhinos

How World Rhino Day was established
・Early 1990s: The crisis of the black rhino in Africa, especially Zimbabwe, began to be recognized.
・2010: The lack of awareness of the extinction crisis of rhinos became a problem. At this point, the world's rhino population had fallen to about 30,000.
・2010: WWF South Africa announced World Rhino Day to save the remaining rhinos.
2011: Lisa Jane Campbell (Chishakwe Ranch, Zimbabwe) sent an email to Rhishja Cota-Larson proposing that it be a day to celebrate all five rhino species.
2011 onwards: Thanks to the efforts of these two women, Lisa Jane and Rhishja, World Rhino Day has become an international success and a global phenomenon.

It is now an internationally recognised day with participation from many people around the world, including NGOs, zoos, conservation organisations, businesses and individuals.

[ 2024.09.09 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】9月9日は、タジキスタンの独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】9月9日は、タジキスタンの独立記念日です。



Pitten TRAVELタジキスタンを動画でみる


September 9th is Tajikistan's Independence Day.

The Independence Day of the Republic of Tajikistan is celebrated on September 9. This day commemorates the day the country declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

The history of Tajikistan's independence was due to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Tajikistan existed as part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but declared its independence in 1991 and joined the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

What kind of country is it?
The Republic of Tajikistan is a landlocked country with a population of about 10 million people located in Central Asia, bordering Kyrgyzstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, China to the east, and Afghanistan to the south. Most of the country is highland, especially the area known as the "Pamir Plateau," which has an average altitude of about 3,000 meters and is considered the highest country in the world.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch Tajikistan on video

[ 2024.08.07 ] 【Pitten ZOO】8月8日は、「爬虫類の日」(日本)です。

【Pitten ZOO】8月8日は、「爬虫類の日」(日本)です。
爬虫類(はちゅうるい)の日は、平成8年8月8日(1996/8/8)に沖縄県初の爬虫類専門店「THE 爬虫類」をオープンさせた稲福昇氏が制定しました。日付の8月8日は、爬虫類の「ハ」にちなんで選ばれています。



【Pitten ZOO】爬虫類を動画でみる


August 8th is Reptile Day (Japan).

Reptile Day was established by Noboru Inafuku, who opened Okinawa Prefecture's first reptile specialty store, ``THE Reptile,'' on August 8, 1996. The date, August 8th, was chosen after the letter "ha" for reptile.

The purpose of this anniversary is to make more people aware of and deepen their understanding of the fascination of reptiles such as crocodiles, snakes, lizards, and turtles. It is also officially recognized by the Japan Anniversary Association, a general incorporated association.

What kind of animal?
Reptiles are a general term for animals belonging to the class Reptiles, which are cold-blooded animals that receive their body heat from the outside. It is resistant to dryness, is covered in scales, and breathes through its lungs. Reptiles include crocodiles, lizards, snakes, turtles, and more.

【Pitten ZOO】: Watch videos of reptiles

[ 2024.08.07 ] 【Pitten ZOO】8月8日は、「世界ネコの日」です。

【Pitten ZOO】8月8日は、「世界ネコの日」です。
世界猫の日(World Cat Day)は、毎年8月8日に祝われる記念日で、2002年に国際動物福祉基金(IFAW)によって制定されました。この日は、猫に対する意識を高め、猫を助け、保護する方法について学ぶことを目的としています。

・ 2月17日:イタリア、トルコ
・ 3月 1日:ロシア
・ 4月 4日:台湾
・ 6月 4日:アメリカ(猫をハグする日)
・ 8月17日:アメリカ(黒猫の日)



Pitten ZOOネコの動画をみる


Pitten ZOOネコ科の動画をみる


August 8th is "World Cat Day".

World Cat Day is celebrated annually on August 8th. It was established in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to raise awareness about cats and to educate people on how to help and protect them.

While August 8th is the internationally recognized date, many countries have their own designated days to celebrate cats. For example:

・February 17th: Italy, Turkey
・March 1st: Russia
・April 4th: Taiwan
・June 4th: United States (National Hug Your Cat Day)
・August 17th: United States (Black Cat Appreciation Day)
・October 29th: United States (National Cat Day)
・November 17th: Italy (Gatto Day)
・Of course, in Japan, Neko no Hi (Cat Day) is celebrated on February 22nd. The date is a play on words, as "2" in Japanese is pronounced "ni," which sounds similar to the meow of a cat, "nyan."

What kind of animal is a cat?
Domestic cats are flexible and agile predators with sharp claws, making them excellent hunters. Their cute appearance and affectionate nature have made them popular pets worldwide.

Pitten ZOO: Watch cat videos

What are felines?
Felines, or members of the cat family, are characterized by their flexible bodies, sharp claws, and carnivorous diets. In addition to lions and tigers, there are many other feline species, such as margays, servals, and bobcats.

Pitten ZOO: Watch Felidae's videos

[ 2024.08.01 ] 【Pitten ZOO】8月1日は、ペルーの「アルパカの日」です。

【Pitten ZOO】8月1日は、ペルーの「アルパカの日」です。


Pitten ZOOアルパカを動画でみる





August 1st is Alpaca Day in Peru.

In Peru, South America, the home of alpacas, August 1st is celebrated as "Alpaca Day" by the nation. Characterized by their adorable appearance and fluffy fur, alpacas play an important role in Peruvian culture and economy, and are deeply loved by the people.

What kind of animal is it?
Alpacas are livestock native to South America. They have been kept as livestock in the Andes since the time of the Inca Empire. They are livestock that were bred for their wool, and are still widely used today. Alpaca wool continues to grow until it is sheared.

Pitten ZOO: Watch Alpacas in Video

Alpacas as Livestock
Alpacas have been domesticated in the highlands of the Andes for thousands of years, and their high-quality wool is known as a popular luxury material around the world. Peruvian alpaca wool is especially valued for its softness and luster, and is widely used in traditional textiles and modern designs. Alpacas are an important industry that supports the Peruvian economy and provide livelihoods for many people.