
[ 2024.08.01 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】8月1日は、スイスの建国記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】8月1日は、スイスの建国記念日です。


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(注1)リュトリ: ルツェルン湖畔にある歴史的な場所。スイス建国の象徴的な場所として知られています。
(注2)ハプスブルク家: 中世ヨーロッパを代表する豪族。スイスの独立を阻もうとした勢力のひとつです。



August 1st is Switzerland's National Day.

In Switzerland, August 1st is celebrated every year as National Foundation Day. It was first celebrated in 1891, and August 1st was officially designated as National Foundation Day in 1898. On this day, many events are held in tourist destinations such as Interlaken and Zermatt, and the area is bustling with traditional Swiss music, parades, and food stalls.

What kind of country is it?
Switzerland is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Western, Central, and Southern Europe, bordering Italy, France, Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein. The Alps make up part of the country, and most of the population lives on the Swiss Plateau. In ancient times, it was a sacred place dedicated to Phoenician gods, but later it became associated with Greek and Roman gods, and many ruins remain.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch a video of Switzerland

Historical Background
Swiss National Day commemorates the day on August 1, 1291, when the three cantons of Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden (now Obwalden and Nidwalden) gathered at Rütli (note 1) on the shores of Lake Lucerne and concluded the "Eternal Alliance" to oppose the rule of the House of Habsburg (note 2). This alliance became the foundation of the Swiss Confederation, and August 1 was designated as National Day as an important event in Swiss history.

(Note 1) Rütli: A historical place on the shores of Lake Lucerne. It is known as a symbolic place of the founding of Switzerland.
(Note 2) House of Habsburg: A powerful family that represents medieval Europe. They were one of the forces that tried to prevent Swiss independence.

National Day Events
Various events are held throughout Switzerland to celebrate this day. Speeches by mayors and village heads, folk music performances, parades, and fireworks displays are held, and the whole country is filled with a festive mood. Particularly popular events include fireworks displays in lakeside towns such as Lugano and Ascona. The beauty of the fireworks reflected on the lake surface fascinates many people. At the Rhine Falls, a fireworks display is sometimes held on the night of July 31st as a pre-event.

[ 2024.07.13 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】7月14日は、フランス革命記念日(パリ祭)

【Pitten TRAVEL】7月14日は、フランス革命記念日(パリ祭)


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July 14th is Bastille Day (Paris Festival)

Bastille Day, commonly known as Bastille Day, is celebrated in France on July 14th as the founding day of the Republic. Its origins date back to the storming of the Bastille prison by the people of Paris on July 14th, 1789. This incident marked the beginning of the French Revolution, so the National Federation Festival was held the following year on July 14th, 1790, which marked the beginning of the current Bastille Day.

What kind of country is it?
The French Republic is a republic located in Western Europe, with its capital being Paris. It is a developed country with global influence, a major member of the G7 and G20, and is also a nuclear power. It also has a strong economy, with a nominal GDP ranking 7th in the world and 2nd in the Eurozone.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch France on video

What is the French Revolution?
The French Revolution was a historic change in France that began in 1789. At that time in France, aristocrats and clergy who lived luxurious lives were given preferential treatment, while the commoners, who made up the majority of the population, suffered from heavy taxes and class discrimination.

The significance of the revolution is that the people rose up to aim for an equal society. The old class system and unequal tax system that had oppressed the people were abolished, and the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", which proclaimed freedom and equality, was adopted.

The rise of new forces, such as merchants and capitalists known as the bourgeoisie, was also a major change. With their economic power as a backdrop, they gained influence in politics, and French society changed dramatically.

The French Revolution had a huge impact on the world thereafter. It made people realize the importance of freedom and equality, and became the catalyst for laying the foundations of modern society.

[ 2024.07.13 ] 【Pitten ZOO】7月14日は、世界チンパンジーの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】7月14日は、世界チンパンジーの日です。
世界チンパンジーの日は、毎年7月14日に祝われ、チンパンジーという素晴らしい種を称え、世界中の人々にその魅力と窮状を知ってもらうことを目的としています。 この記念日は、1960年7月14日、野生のチンパンジー研究のパイオニアであるジェーン・グドール博士が、現在のタンザニアのゴンベ国立公園で画期的な研究を開始したことを記念して、2018年に創設されました。


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July 14th is World Chimpanzee Day.

World Chimpanzee Day is celebrated every year on July 14th, with the aim of honouring this amazing species and educating people around the world about their fascinating and plight. The day was established in 2018 to commemorate the day on July 14th, 1960, when Dr Jane Goodall, a pioneer in wild chimpanzee research, began her groundbreaking research in what is now Gombe National Park in Tanzania.

What kind of animal is it?
Chimpanzees are a type of ape, and unlike monkeys, they do not have tails. They have black hair all over their body and black or flesh-coloured faces. Their foreheads rise as they grow, and are more pronounced in males. They use simple tools, such as inserting a stick into an anthill to catch termites.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of chimpanzees


[ 2024.07.12 ] 【Pitten ZOO】7月14日は、世界シャチの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】7月14日は、世界シャチの日です。
World Orca Day(世界シャチの日)は、毎年7月14日に開催されるシャチを祝う国際的な記念日です。この日は、シャチとその生息する海洋環境に対する認識を高め、保護を促進することを目的としています。

世界シャチの日は、2013年11月8日にボストンで開催された世界クジラ会議で、シャチ研究者のIngrid N. Visser博士によって提唱されました。最初の記念日は2014年7月14日に実施され、以来毎年開催されています。


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July 14th is World Killer Whale Day.

World Orca Day is an international day to celebrate orcas, held on July 14th every year. The day aims to raise awareness and promote conservation of killer whales and the marine environment they live in.

World Orca Day was proposed by orca researcher Dr. Ingrid N. Visser at the World Whale Congress held in Boston on November 8, 2013. The first anniversary was held on July 14, 2014 and has been held every year since.

What kind of animal?
Killer whales are a type of toothed whale that belongs to the family Dolphinidae. Known for their distinctive black and white color pattern, they live in oceans around the world. Killer whales are the apex predators of the marine ecosystem, and their intelligence and sociability fascinate many people.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of killer whales

World Killer Whale Day is an important opportunity to highlight the importance of protecting and sustaining the marine environment through the fascinating creatures of the killer whale.

World Orca Day History #WorldOrcaDay

[ 2024.07.06 ] 【Pitten ZOO】7月7日は、タツノオトシゴの日です。(日本)

【Pitten ZOO】7月7日は、タツノオトシゴの日です。(日本)



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伊勢シーパラダイス 公式チャンネル


[Pitten ZOO] July 7th is Seahorse Day in Japan.

July 7th is Tanabata, but it is also "Seahorse Day." This day was proposed by Ise Sea Paradise (Ise City, Mie Prefecture) and is registered with the Japan Anniversary Association.

The reason is that the swimming figure of a seahorse resembles the number "7," it matches the romantic atmosphere of Tanabata, it is believed to bring good luck such as matchmaking and safe childbirth, and the image of a husband and wife working together to raise a child was thought to be appropriate for Tanabata, which celebrates love.

What kind of creature is it?
Seahorses are very unique fish. They have a horse-face-like head and a curled tail, and they swim upright. They live in shallow seas where there is a lot of seaweed.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of seahorses

Through the establishment of "Seahorse Day," Ise Sea Paradise aims to raise awareness of the current situation, ecology, and breeding efforts of seahorses.

Ise Sea Paradise is holding various events to celebrate this anniversary. In particular, a special "Seahorse Day" lecture will be livestreamed on YouTube from 5:00 p.m. on July 7th.

Ise Sea Paradise Official Channel

[ 2024.07.03 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】7月4日は、アメリカ合衆国の独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】7月4日は、アメリカ合衆国の独立記念日です。
アメリカ独立記念日(Independence Day)は、1776年7月4日に議会で採択された独立宣言を記念する祝日です。独立記念日は、花火、パレード、バーベキューなど、様々なイベントが開催され、アメリカの建国と伝統を祝います。

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・1775年:アメリカ独立戦争(American Revolutionary War)勃発。
・1783年9月3日:パリ条約(Treaty of Paris)でイギリスがアメリカの独立を正式に承認。


July 4th is the Independence Day of the United States of America.

Independence Day is a national holiday commemorating the Declaration of Independence, adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776. On Independence Day, various events such as fireworks, parades, and barbecues are held to celebrate the founding and traditions of the United States.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch the United States on video

Independence Day is a day to reaffirm the values ​​of American history, freedom, and democracy, and is an important opportunity for Americans to express patriotism and reflect on the country's history. At the same time, it is a great business opportunity for retailers, and is a time when sales of fireworks, barbecue supplies, and flag-related products increase.

Timeline of Independence
・1775: The American Revolutionary War breaks out.
・July 2, 1776: The Continental Congress votes for independence.
★July 4, 1776: The Declaration of Independence is adopted.
・September 3, 1783: The United States declares independence.

[ 2024.07.02 ] 【Pitten ZOO】7月3日は、世界ミーアキャットの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】7月3日は、世界ミーアキャットの日です。

ミーアキャットの日は、2018年にオーストラリアのタロンガ西部平原動物園で最初に祝われました。発案者は同園のミーアキャット飼育係であるKaren Ellis(James)さんです。

ミーアキャットはマングースの仲間で、アフリカの半砂漠地帯が主な生息地です。 群れで生活し、母親をリーダーとする社会的な動物です。群れで協力して餌集め、警戒、子育てなどを行います。 また、ミーアキャットは目の周りの黒い毛が「サングラス」の役割を果たし、晴れた日でも空から来る捕食者を見つけられるよう進化しています。

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July 3rd is World Meerkat Day.

July 3rd of every year is designated as "World Meerkat Day". The purpose of this day is to widely spread information about the ecology and charm of meerkats and to raise awareness of the importance of conservation.

Meerkat Day was first celebrated in 2018 at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Australia. The idea was proposed by Karen Ellis (James), a meerkat keeper at the zoo.

What kind of animal is it?
Meerkats are a type of mongoose and live mainly in the semi-desert regions of Africa. They are social animals that live in groups and are led by their mothers. They work together as a group to gather food, be on guard, raise their young, and more. In addition, the black fur around the meerkats' eyes acts as "sunglasses," allowing them to spot predators coming from the sky even on sunny days.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of a meerkat


[ 2024.06.24 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月25日は、クロアチアの独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月25日は、クロアチアの独立記念日です。









June 25th is Croatia's Independence Day.

From 2002 to 2018, October 8th was celebrated as "Independence Day", but on November 14th, 2019, the Croatian Parliament changed "Independence Day" to June 25th by a new law, and October 8th became "Croatian Parliament Day", and May 30th became "National Day".

What kind of country is it?
Croatia is a republic located on the Balkan Peninsula in southern Europe, and its capital is Zagreb. It borders Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, and faces the Adriatic Sea to the south.

Watch a video about Croatia

Croatia's Independence Day has undergone complex changes that reflect the country's historical background.

On May 19, 1991, Croatia held a referendum on independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with 93% of voters supporting independence. In response to this result, the Croatian parliament officially declared independence on June 25, 1991. On the same day, neighboring Slovenia also declared independence.

However, conflicts with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia continued even after the declaration of independence, and on October 8, 1991, Croatia decided to completely sever ties with the Federal Republic.

Changes in Independence Day
The date of Independence Day has changed several times due to political reasons.

・1991-2001: May 30 (National Day)
・2002-2019: October 8
・2020 and after: June 25

Currently, Independence Day on June 25 is considered a "commemorative day" and is treated as a weekday. On the other hand, May 30th is a national holiday known as "National Day."

[ 2024.06.24 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月25日は、スロベニアの建国記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月25日は、スロベニアの建国記念日です。

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June 25th is Slovenia's National Day.

Slovenia's National Day is June 25th. This day commemorates the day in 1991 when Slovenia officially declared its independence from Yugoslavia.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch Slovenia videos

On December 26, 1990, the year before the declaration of independence, a referendum was held in Slovenia on independence from Yugoslavia, and independence was decided. This day is celebrated separately as "Independence Day".

[ 2024.06.24 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月24日は、タイ王国の立憲革命記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月24日は、タイ王国の立憲革命記念日です。

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June 24th is the Constitutional Revolution Day of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Thailand's Constitutional Revolution Day is celebrated on June 24th every year. This day commemorates the abolition of the absolute monarchy in Thailand (then Siam) in 1932, and the introduction of a constitutional monarchy.

Watch Thailand video

Constitutional Revolution Day is recognized as a day that symbolizes Thailand's modernization and development of its political system. For many Thais, this day is an opportunity to reflect on the country's history and remember the events that formed the basis of its current political system.

There are several places in Bangkok's Old City that commemorate this historical event. For example, the square with the Ananta Samakhom Palace and the equestrian statue of King Chulalongkorn the Great is deeply connected to the history of the Constitutional Revolution.