
[ 2024.06.20 ] 【Pitten ZOO】6月21日は夏至なので、世界キリンの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】6月21日は夏至なので、世界キリンの日です。
世界キリンの日(World Giraffe Day)は、毎年夏至の日にあたる6月21日に制定された記念日です。この日は、世界で最も首が長い動物であるキリンに注目し、その保護と認知を促進するために設けられました。2014年にイギリスのキリン保全財団(Giraffe Conservation Foundation, GCF)によって制定されました。

Pitten ZOO:キリンを動画で見る



Giraffe Conservation Foundation


June 21st is World Giraffe Day.

World Giraffe Day is a commemorative day established every year on June 21, which is the summer solstice. This day was established to focus on giraffes, the animals with the longest necks in the world, and to promote their conservation and awareness. It was established in 2014 by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) in the UK.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of giraffes

World Giraffe Day aims to raise awareness of the extinction threat facing giraffes. Giraffe populations have declined significantly over the past few decades, from an estimated 155,000 in the 1980s to fewer than 100,000 today. In 2016, they were classified as "vulnerable" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

On World Giraffe Day, zoos and conservation organizations around the world hold giraffe-related events to share information about the current status of giraffes and conservation efforts.

Giraffe Conservation Foundation

[ 2024.06.17 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月17日は、アイスランドの独立記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月17日は、アイスランドの独立記念日です。

1944年6月17日に、アイスランドはデンマークから独立し、アイスランド共和国として完全な独立国となりました。 この日を記念して、アイスランド国内では様々なイベントが開催されます。独立記念日当日は祝日となり、翌日の月曜日も休日となります。 国民はこの機会にヨン・シグルズソンを中心とした独立運動を祝福し、アイスランドの自由と主権を称えます。


Pitten TRAVEL:アイスランドを動画で旅する


June 17th is Iceland's Independence Day.

June 17th is Iceland's Independence Day, and it is also the birthday of Jon Sigurdsson, who led the movement to gain autonomy under Danish rule.

On June 17th, 1944, Iceland gained independence from Denmark and became a fully independent country as the Republic of Iceland. To commemorate this day, various events are held in Iceland. Independence Day itself is a national holiday, and the following Monday is also a holiday. The people take this opportunity to celebrate the independence movement led by Jon Sigurdsson and to praise Iceland's freedom and sovereignty.

What kind of country is Iceland?
Iceland is an island nation in Northern Europe, whose main territory is the island of Iceland. It has many volcanoes and utilizes abundant geothermal energy for power generation and other purposes. There are also numerous glaciers and waterfalls on the island, and the spectacular nature is a major tourist attraction.

Pitten TRAVEL: Travel around Iceland with videos

[ 2024.06.17 ] 【Pitten ZOO】6月17日は、世界ワニの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】6月17日は、世界ワニの日です。


Pitten ZOO:ワニを動画で見る


June 17th is World Crocodile Day.

World Crocodile Day was established by crocodile experts, researchers, and scientists to raise awareness about the current situation and danger of crocodiles around the world. On this day, various events are held at zoos around the world.

What kind of animal is a crocodile?
Crocodiles are carnivorous reptiles with bodies adapted to live in water. It has a flat body with sensory organs such as eyes and nose on the face, a strong tail, and hard scales on its back. Crocodiles appeared near the end of the dinosaur era and are at the top of the freshwater food chain.

Pitten ZOO: Watch crocodile video

[ 2024.06.16 ] 【Pitten ZOO】6月16日は、世界ウミガメの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】6月16日は、世界ウミガメの日です。




June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day.

World Sea Turtle Day was established in 2001 when the Intergovernmental Memorandum for the Protection of Sea Turtles in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia came into force, with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) taking the lead. The aim is to spread awareness about the importance of protecting sea turtles.

What kind of animal is a sea turtle?
Sea turtles live in the sea and rarely come onto land. , and eat crustaceans.

Watch sea turtle video

[ 2024.06.14 ] 【Pitten ZOO】6月15日は、オウムとインコの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】6月15日は、オウムとインコの日です。





Pitten ZOO:オウムを動画で見る
Pitten ZOO:インコを動画で見る



日本では奈良時代の「日本書紀」にオウムの記録があり、江戸時代には著名な絵師「伊藤 若冲」の作品にもオウムやインコが描かれていました。明治時代末期にはセキセイインコが輸入され、庶民の間でもインコ・オウムのペット飼育が定着しました。




June 15th is Parrot and Parakeet Day in Japan.

Due to a phonetic play on 06/15, where 06 can be read as "Ou-mu" (cockatoo) and 15 as "In-ko" (parrot), June 15 has been established as Cockatoo and Parrot Day by the certified NPO TSUBASA.

This day was established by the certified NPO TSUBASA, a group in Futtsu, Chiba Prefecture, that promotes the proper care and affectionate interaction with pet birds such as cockatoos and parrots. It is a day to honor the memory of birds that have passed away around the world and to wish for the happiness of companion birds.

What kind of birds are parrots and parakeets?
Parrots and parakeets belong to the same order, Psittacidae, and are often confused, but parrots are the ones with crest hairs (characteristic feathers on their heads). Parakeets generally have showy plumage.

Pitten ZOO : Watch parrot video
Pitten ZOO : Watch parakeet video

Certified NPO TSUBASA: https://www.tsubasa.ne.jp/
Japan Memorial Day Association: https://www.kinenbi.gr.jp/

[ 2024.06.06 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月6日は、スウェーデン王国の建国記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月6日は、スウェーデン王国の建国記念日です。



Pitten TRAVEL:スウェーデンを動画でみる


June 6th is the National Day of the Kingdom of Sweden.

This day commemorates the day on June 6, 1523, when Gustav Vasa became King of Sweden and achieved independence from Denmark. In the past, this day was called "Flag Day" or "Gustav's Day". In 2005, it was established as an official national holiday and named "Swedish National Day".

For Swedes, National Day is an important holiday that renews their love for their country. It is also a day to celebrate freedom and independence through raising the flag. As a celebration, a flag-raising ceremony is held at the Royal Palace, and military ceremonies and civic parades are held in various places. It is also a custom to gather with family and friends and enjoy outdoor barbecues.

What kind of country is Sweden?
Sweden is a constitutional monarchy located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe, and its capital is Stockholm. It is one of the Nordic countries and shares borders with Norway, Finland, and Denmark. Economically, industries that utilize forests, iron ore, and hydroelectric resources are developing, and the IT industry is particularly thriving.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch a video about Sweden

[ 2024.06.06 ] 【Pitten ZOO】6月6日はヒツジの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】6月6日はヒツジの日です。


Pitten ZOO:ヒツジの動画をみる


June 6th is Sheep Day in Japan.

Sheep Day was established in 2010 by the Japanese company Mary Chocolate Company. The date was chosen because a sheep's horns are curled up, resembling the number "6," and because there are two "6s" lined up on one side.

What kind of animal is it?
Sheep are mammals with distinctive fluffy fur. They are herbivores that live in groups and are used as a source of wool and dairy products. They are popular for their gentle nature and calm expression.

Pitten ZOO:Watch the sheep video

[ 2024.06.05 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月5日はデンマーク憲法記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月5日はデンマーク憲法記念日です。


Pitten TRAVEL:デンマークの動画をみる


June 5th is the Constitution Day of the Kingdom of Denmark.

Every year on June 5th in Denmark, the anniversary of the establishment of the Danish Constitution on June 5th, 1849 is celebrated. Although it is not an official holiday, many people take the day off and many political rallies are held. It is a day when the people of Denmark are reminded of the importance of constitutionalism, which protects the sovereignty and freedom of the people.

The Kingdom of Denmark is a constitutional monarchy located in Northern Europe, with its capital being Copenhagen. It is known for its high standard of living and social welfare system, and is rated as one of the "happiest countries in the world." The Kingdom of Denmark is also a country with a rich history and culture. Many historical legacies remain, such as Viking culture and medieval castles. It is also highly regarded worldwide in the fields of design, art, and music.

What kind of country?
Pitten TRAVEL: Watch videos about Denmark

[ 2024.06.02 ] 【Pitten TRAVEL】6月2日は、イタリアの共和国記念日です。

【Pitten TRAVEL】6月2日は、イタリアの共和国記念日です。
1946年6月2日、イタリアではそれまでの王政を廃止し、共和制となることを国民投票によって決定しました。 この歴史的な日を共和国の建国記念日として、毎年6月2日を国を挙げて祝います。



Pitten TRAVEL:イタリアの動画をみる


June 2nd is Italian Republic Day.

On June 2, 1946, Italy abolished the monarchy and decided to establish a republic through a national referendum. This historic day is celebrated as the Republic's National Day on June 2 every year.

In Japan, June 2 is also Italian Wine Day. This is a day established in 2007 by the Italian Embassy and the Italian Trade Council, and an event to promote Italian wine is held on Republic Day.

What kind of country is it?
The Italian Republic is a European country facing the Mediterranean Sea, with Rome as its capital. The shape of the country is often likened to a boot. Italy is one of the birthplaces of ancient culture and a global cultural power. It was the center of the Roman Empire, and important historical events such as the Renaissance took place here. It is also the home of great people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, and Michelangelo.

Pitten TRAVEL: Watch videos about Italy

[ 2024.05.30 ] 【Pitten ZOO】5月30日は、世界アシカの日です。

【Pitten ZOO】5月30日は、世界アシカの日です。


Pitten ZOO:アシカの動画を見る












May 30th is World Sea Lion Day.

World Sea Lion Day is an international commemorative day established in 2018. This day was established to honor Slick, a California sea lion who was kept in captivity for over 30 years at the Ocean of Fun facility in Kansas City, USA.

What kind of animal is it?
Sea lions are marine mammals. They have earlobes and well-developed front legs. They can use these legs to move freely in the sea and on land. They are highly intelligent, and when kept by humans, they become very tame and can learn simple tricks.

Pitten ZOO: Watch a video of Sea lions

Japanese sea lion

Japan once had an endemic species of Japanese sea lion, which is thought to have been distributed along the coasts of the country. However, due to overhunting from the end of the 19th century, by the beginning of the 20th century, they were rarely seen, except on some remote islands.

In the 2020 Red Data Book of the Ministry of the Environment, they are classified as endangered.

Uncertain term "sea lion"

The definition of sea lion varies widely as follows.

Historical sea lions in Japan
Sea lions mentioned in historical documents such as Nihon Koki and Wakan Sansai Zue almost always refer to Japanese sea lions. This is the original meaning.

Sea lion genus
A general term that includes three species: Japanese sea lion, California sea lion, and Galapagos sea lion. Some theories consider this to be one or two species, but the meaning is basically the same.

Species with "-ashika" in the Japanese name
In addition to the Sea lion genus, it also includes Australian sea lions and New Zealand sea lions, but this is not a taxonomic group.

A broad definition of sea lion that includes sea lions such as otarias and sea lions, and the English term "sea lion" corresponds to this. However, the Otariinae are not monophyletic, and the only thing they have in common is that they do not have long body hair.

An even broader definition that includes fur seals.
Walruses and seals belong to a different family.